Stars of the future ⭐️

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Dream of owning a Performing Arts School?

A Swish partnership franchise could be a great fit for your expertise and in shaping young performers' futures and helping them perform to their potential.

For over 30 years, our extensive team has been 100% focussed on the performing arts landscape, specialising in training children.

Over this time, we've witnessed a significant shift in the expectations of the industry along with both students and their parents. Today, extracurricular performing arts are valued not just for honing hard skills, but as a creative outlet for students to express their dreams, personalities, and emotions whilst building valuable life skills. This evolution means we cater to a wide range of abilities, trying to help every child to perform to their potential.

The responsibilities of Theatre School Principals has grown, with increasing administrative duties and a heightened demand for inclusivity from parents. The internet and social media have opened up this once-exclusive art form, leading to more informed and demanding audiences meaning the pressures are greater across the board.

At Swish, we've dedicated decades to understanding these developments, gathering data to enhance our syllabus, customer support and technical efficiencies. Our mission is to establish the first consistent stage school model across the UK, making Swish the trusted brand in children's performing arts education.

Want to guarantee first choice on your chosen location? - If you’d like to make an enquiry and speak to us directly, just fill out the short form HERE.

Swish only engages Performing Arts school graduates to manage its networks, as those with the hands on experience and training are best suited to guide the next generation of performing arts students from the early stages right up to entry to full time drama school. This ensures quality control from the ground up.

We also make the bold promise that your school shouldn’t be about administration. You haven’t performed all of your life to be stuck with clerical duties - that’s why we take care of 90% of these requirements. Not only that, but all learning resources are provided from a team with collectively over 100 years teaching experience in the industry.

Oh, and did we forget to mention that we’re the most affordable franchise in this category to get started in?

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FREE 32 page guide to starting your own Performing Arts School

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